Friday, October 29, 2010

Introducing Aiman Free Sketches for Proton

Thanx to Aiman for sharing his sketches with us, it's a kind of appreciate for us having this sketch. Hoping to see more in the future. To Aiman, i like ur method for free sketches that same as 'sedekah', May Allah bless u and hoping that 'Aiman tak kisah' to share with us again :)

see more Aiman free sketches (please click)


Aku dah kawin skarang. Bini aku memang baik sangat2. Tapi dia x seperti yang aku expect masa kami belom kawin dulu. Masa belom kawin, aku tengok dia memang sorang yang pendiam je, jarang gile cakap ngan laki. Member2 mmg puji la cara dia. So memang susah jugak aku nak cuba tegur dia masa tu.. segan dowh. Memang obvious lah kalau aku tegur. Tapi aku suka dia macam tu, so xde la cemburu sangat sebab dia jarang borak2 ngan laki..

Cantik? Memang la, kalu x aku comfirm x sangkut punyer. Haha. Cantik pada mata aku la. Member2 pon ade yang cube usha. Sori le dia nak layan. Haha. Memang market. Last2 aku yang dapat, memang rasa bangga giler. hehe..

Eh, dok ngumpat2 pasal dia, lupa lak nak kasi tau nama. Nama panggilan dia Ara. Nama betol dirahsiakan. Hoho..

Aku usha cara yang leklok la, gi jumpa bapak dia dluu. gentlemen beb! Slow talk ngan bapak dia. Err, bapak dia nama Marzuki.. Bapak dia ni jenis sound direct rupenyer.. Pergh, mmg kena kutuk kaw2 la gua. Sebabnya, bila dia tanya kenal x anak dia? Gua cakap x sgt. Bapak dia tanya lagi, nape nak kawin ngan anak dia? Gua cakap sebab minat. Minat sebab ape? Gua cakap x tau.. Habis kalu x dapat anak dia? Gua cakap nak jugak! Bapak dia sound la, “ko ni, cane ko nak kawin ngan org yang ko x kenal? Gua jawab, lepas kawin la saya kenal dia pakcik.. pastu sengih2.. pastu bapak dia diam.

Masa tu rasa down gile. Bapak dia cam tolak mentah-mentah je proposal aku.. Ke dia saja nak uji kehebatan cinta aku?? Huhu.. Time tu aku dh terpikir nak usha calon lain je. Aku memang ade lagi sorang yang aku suke. Haa yang ni gua memang kamceng giler. Yang ni pulak nama dia Ika. Gua memang selasi lah ngan minah ni. Haha.. Tapi last2 orang lain gak yang gua pinang.

Hari keputusan proposal aku akhirnya tiba. Kputusannya.. jeng3.. x spt yang aku jangka. Haha. Aku ingat kena reject, satgi family diorang terima. Warghh happy giler. Alhamdulillah. So, memang sah la takde jodoh aku ngan Ika. Time aku bgtau Ika aku nak kawin, dia accept je. Kejam gile aku. Dia kata semoga aku bahagia.. lepas tu kami dah x jumpa.

Lepas akad nikah, kompemlah aku sebagai laki Ara. Happynye aku Tuhan je tau.. kat rumah.. dia macam biasa, cool je.. Tapi cool semacam la pulak. Sepatah aku tanya, setengah patah dia jawab. Kalu aku x buka mulut, memang x berbunyilah rumah kitorang.

Ara taklah ‘bisu’ sangat. Kadang2 dia bersuara gak.. Tapi bagi aku yang jenis suka cakap banyak ni, Ara bukan jenis yang boleh bawak borak sangat. Bila aku cakap pasal something, dia macam blur... Macam x supportive sangat. Last2 aku dah malas nak borak.. oh boringnye.. Yang dia tahu cuma tunjuk baris gigi dia ja.. sengih. Cam yg aku buat kt bapak dia dulu. Psycho seyh..

Nak jadik lagi tensen, aku ni jenis perokok sederhana tegar gak la. Tapi bini aku pulak mmg cam fobia giler ngan asap rokok. Bau nafas aku yg bersisa rokok pon, dia mesti batok.. x bau rokok pon dia dah selalu batok. Uhuk3 gitu.. Sebab sayang bini, makin lama makin kurang aku merokok.. kalu gian sangat pon aku merokok time kat ofis je.

Bini aku keje hospital, bahagian obat-obatan.. Aku lak xleh bau ubat, mesti pening kelapa.. Hari2 aku yang hantar, ambik dia gi spital. Time ambik dia balik, mmg hari2 lah baju dia bau obat dalam kete. So aku akan slalu bukak tingkap, nyaman sket..

Ada satu hari tu, masa hujan lebat. Xleh bukak tingkap kete, aku dah mmg pening-pening lalat dah.. Bau ubat.. Dengan poor visibility lg, kami accident! Langgar bontot kete orang depan. Kat spital, doktor kata bini aku keguguran akibat kemalangan tu. Hah??

Rupanya dia mengandung dua bulan.. Ara sendiri pon x tahu.. Ya Allah!!

Lepas kejadian tu aku terus suruh Ara benti keje. Dok rumah je.. Aku dah korbankan rokok aku, so dia kena korbankan keje dia. Aku dah x tahan bau ubat!! Aku sorang keje dah cukup sara idup kami!

Dekat setahun kami kawin, Ika tiba2 datang, dia kata masih sayang kat aku, nak aku ambik dia jadik bini no. 2.. Dia sanggup..

Alamak ni dah angau betol.. Padahal aku baru je kawin. Mungkin Ika yakin yang kami sangat serasi dan saling memahami, so dia berani propose kat aku. Then aku teros terang je la, aku cakap kat dia, yes aku memang x kamceng mane ngan bini aku skarang.. And banyak benda yang kami xde persamaan. Ara memang x banyak bercakap. Kalu aku cube buat lawak, dia macam x tangkap je. Sedih tol.. X pandai nak borak. Kalu jumpa member2 aku lagi le dia sunyi sepi. Dah le hari-hari dia suka masak benda yang sama.. Jarang la dapat makan yang lain sket. Kcuali makan luar. Itu pun dia akan order benda sama je.. Haha macam tu la bini aku.. Lucu lak..

Tapi kami masih cuba memahami hati budi masing2.. Aku cuba biasakan diri ngan bau ubat2 kat baju2 Ara dulu, cuba brenti merokok waktu awal2 kawin dulu.. Ara plak dh x keje, dah cuba belajar masak benda2 lain (jarang la menjadi).. Aku bagitau Ika, rumah tangga kami bahagia. Aku xleh menduakan dia.. Aku memang sayangkan dia. Ika terpaksa terima hakikat tu. Itu mmg last kami jumpa.

Kini, kami dapat rezeki sorang anak, dah besau, dekat 4 tahon la.. tp dah pandai mengaji sket2. Semua berkat kerajinan bini aku. Bab2 agama, mengaji sume dia mmg bagus. Anak aku Hafiz, memang dia train elok2 ngaji alQuran.. Alhamdulillah, semoga esok2 dia jadik anak yang soleh. Bagi aku itu la investment yang sangat2 menguntungkan!

Tapi sebenarnya dalam tempoh tu, kami x seperti pasangan yang lain, kot. Makin hari aku makin bosan ngan rumah tangga kami. Ara memang suka menyepi, jarang borak panjang2. Aku pulak suka keluar lepak ngan kawan2. Makin lama makin jarang aku duduk rumah. Lewat malam baru balik, bini dah tido. Esoknya pagi2 aku dh kena gi keje.. Dalam tempoh tu jugak, aku sebenarnya asyik keluar dengan sorang ofismate aku. Nama dia Lisa. Budak baru kat ofis aku.. Berbekalkan muka yang agak ade market ni, dia macam sangkut lak kat aku. So dialah yang slalu aku ajak kluar malam, teman aku borak2, kadang2 sampai pagi!

Aku sedar aku seolah2 mempergunakan dia untuk hiburkan hati aku.. Teringin nak kawin ngan dia, takot kecik hati si Ara pulak.. Dengan Lisa la tempat aku luahkan perasaan, kadang2 gadoh, kadang dia tercarut2 siap kat aku. Pastu minta maaf, dia kata tersasul.. Tapi aku mmg terhibur bila dok ngan Lisa. Bini aku kat rumah, dengan anak aku jarang sangat aku luangkan masa..

Ara sedar akan perubahan aku dari hari ke hari. Dia mula sedar aku ada pompuan lain. Satu hari dia bagitahu, dia izinkan kalu aku nak kawin lagi, tapi mesti dengan wanita yang elok2, sebab dia tak mahu pelajaran Hafiz terganggu. Aku pelik, apa kaitan??

Dan aku terfikir, Lisa tu wanita yang elok ke? Pakaian hari2 kompem ketat, make up kat muka 2 inci macam xleh kena air, x ambik air semayang ke? X semayang ke? Ke cuti sepanjang tahon?!

So aku postpone dulu hajat nak kawin ngan Lisa. Terfikir lepas kawin boleh nasihat kot sikit2, tapi time bencinta pon asyik lawan ape aku cakap. So sad!..

Ketika perkahwinan aku ngan Ara mencecah 4 tahun dulu, rumahtangga kami ditimpa dugaan yang maha besar. Ara mula jatoh sakit, batuk dia makin teruk, akhirnya masuk hospital. Dan saat itulah baru aku diberitahu, Ara mengidap penyakit barah tekak. Ya Allah!!

Doktor bagitau, Ara dah lama senarnya kena barah tu, penyakit yang akan buat dia slalu batuk, dan trpaksa menahan sakit bila bercakap! Aku rasa bagai kena tusuk dengan anak panah yang tumpul bila dengar benda tu!! Patut la Ara jarang sangat bercakap. Kenapa dia x bagitau aku??

Doc tu cakap lagi, penyakit tu makin lama makin teruk, dan bagi effect kat jantung. Sebab pernafasan dia selalu kurang dari sepatutnya. So jantung jadi lemah.. So itulah yang menyebabkan Ara jatuh sakit. Jantung dia skarang makin rosak akibat barah tu.

Jadi camane dia boleh ajar anak aku mengaji? Doktor tu bagitau, memang ada ubat utk diminum sebagai pelincir dalam tekak. Tapi hanya kurangkan rasa sakit, dan ia bertahan kejap je.. Tapi Ara x boleh selalu minum sebab ubat tu sangat mahal!!

Aku buntu..

Masa tulah baru aku terfikir, kami x penah bertikah lidah, x penah gado.. Mgkin itu hikmah dia.. Tapi aku x sedar selama ni.. Aku asyik tinggalkan dia, bergembira dengan pompuan lain.. Dia pula sanggup tanggung derita setiap kali perlu menjawab pertanyaan aku. Dan x penah luahkan derita kat aku..

Jantung Ara dah lemah sangat, doktor kata mungkin Ara x dapat bertahan lama.. Aku menangis depan doktor tu puas2, wlapun doktor pompuan. Aku dh x kisah. Aku menyesal dgn cara aku layan Ara selama ni.

Dia dah bagi aku macam2, jaga makan minum, pakaian aku, ajar anak kami mengaji, mmg x penah lawan apa aku cakap, apa aku suruh..

Aku suruh dia benti keje dulu, dia ikut. Walaupon kat rumah dia tetap baca buku pasal ubat-ubatan! Dia minat sangat dengan keje dia.. Maafkan abang Ara..

Bila balik rumah nak mandi kejap, aku sempat tengok balik kenangan2 kami.. Aku belek2, terjumpa kotak hantaran masa kami kawin dulu. Ada satu kotak jam, jam yang aku pakai sekarang.. Aku terkejut bila ada sehelai kertas dalam tu. Mula2 ingat kertas resit, tapi rupanya sepucuk surat!

1 Julai 2007,

Buat suami yang baru kupunya,

Terima kasih kerana menawarkan cintamu,
Yang ku tunggu-tunggu sejak kita mula bertemu dulu,
Ara memang cinta padamu,
Dan Ara menangis bila abang melamarku

Buat suamiku yang baru kupunya,

Luaranku mungkin nampak sempurna,
Luaranku mungkin ramai yang terpesona,
Tapi diriku bukanlah sesempurna abang sangka,
Kerna suaraku bukan kepunyaan kita

Buat suamiku yang baru kupunya,

Andai abang ingin melihat Ara ketawa,
Ara hanya mampu tersenyum pada abang,
Andai abang mahu Ara berjenaka,
Mungkin Ara kan menangis dibahu abang,

Kerana Ara tak mampu berbica,
Seperti orang lain berbicara,
Kerana Ara tak mampu ketawa,
Seperti orang lain ketawa

Jika membaca surat ini akan meleburkan cinta abang,
Ara pasrah dan relakan abang menjauhi,
Jika membaca surat ini Ara tetap dihati abang,
Ara sujud sejuta syukur pada Ilahi..

Yang benar,
Isteri yang menyanjungmu.

*Ara selitkan surat ini dalam kotak jam abang, semoga abang mudah terlihat surat ini..

Berderai lagi airmata jantan aku. Kenapa aku x terbaca surat ni 4 tahun dulu? Kenapa aku x tahu penderitaan Ara awal2 dulu? Kenapa baru sekarang?

4 tahun usia perkahwinan kami, Ara beri aku segala2nya.. dan paling penting dia bagi seorang anak yang comel dan bijak. Tapi apa yang pernah aku beri kat Ara?

Mulai saat tu aku jaga Ara sepenuh hati. Hari-hari memang keje ulang alik hospital. Masuk ofis pon kjap2. Anak aku bagi kakak Ara yang jaga. Masa tu aku dah serabai giler. Sangat x terurus. Baru aku sedar pentingnya Ara dalam hidup aku.

Dalam keadaan Ara yang agak lemah, aku minta kebenaran doktor untuk bawa dia melancong. Aku nak temani dia puas2. Aku nak bahagiakan dia dalam sisa2 hayat dia. Biar dia terlupa akan derita dia. Saat itu dia menangis kat bahu aku. Sejak dia sakit kami hanya berbalas tulisan kat kertas.. dan kertas2 tu aku kan simpan sampai bila2.

Dia tulis dia x menyesal kawin dengan aku. Dia tulis sangat bahagia hidup dengan aku. Siap cuba lukis gambar orang senyum.. haha.. Ya Allah hari2 itu kami sangat bahagia. Namun Ara dah makin lemah. Aku dah x mampu tengok dia derita. Setiap kali dia nak tarik nafas, sangatlah azab pada aku melihatnya.

“Ya Allah, jika Kau masih panjangkan hayat isteriku, Kau berilah aku separuh kesengsaraannya, biar kurang kesensaraannya Ya Allah.. Tapi jika hanya kematian yang dapat mematikan sengsara isteriku, aku redha Ya Allah..”

Aku x tahu apa lagi boleh aku buat.. Aku bacakan Yaasin ditelinganya berulang-ulang, biarkan anak kami dipangkuan memeluk-meluk ibunya..

Akhirnya Tuhan menjemputnya kembali. Aku pasrah. Kesedihanku terubat bila kulihat dia pergi dengan tenang. Sempat kuajarkan Syahadah.. dan dahinya berpeluh jernih. Lalu kukucup buat kali terakhir..

Kini, hmpir 5 tahun prkawinan kami, tinggal aku dengan Hafiz, dengan helaian2 tulisan terakhir Ara..


source: facebook

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sandokan: Tiger of Malaysia

Why we never watch this from Malaysian TV?

more about sandokan please click Emilio Salgari The Journalist, writer and novelist.

Mysterious Clay Model Revealed

*click to enlarge

Thanx to all bloggers and readers out there, ur comment make this happen. The mysterious clay model revealed as SAGA Facelift (please click).

Time Traveller detected

This is Inspira Freak Show

Hi readers, this is Inspira Freak Show. I found this from funtastickodesign commentar which link given bring me into this galleries. Not much difference between the current Lancer and Inspira for the interior. Enjoy it :)

more picture from galleries: click image to enlarge

more news and pictures at

New Saga Uncovered

*click to enlarge

Being followers to all local car and motorsports webs and blog makes me kinda updated. Hot topic today is New Saga picture from the funtastickodesign (click), from the info said that this Saga will launch on December 2010 means after the Inspira November launch. To all readers, enjoy both picture :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

For Sale: Toyota Corolla

Price: RM 3 800Reg. year: 1980 or older
Mileage: 160 000 - 169 999Make: Toyota
Model: KE70Transmission: Manual
Engine Capacity: 1290 cc

-Tip top condition-Price can nego-Roadtax till Dec 2010-Nice no.plate-Location Laguna Merbok, Kedah

For Sale: Toyota GL 82

Price: RM 7 000Reg. year: 1982
Mileage: 130 000 - 139 999Make: Toyota
Model: KE70Transmission: Manual
Engine Capacity: 1300 cc
Accessories: Solar Film, CD Player, Sport rims

-cat 2k pearl hijau-aircond sejuk,dlm cantik.-berminat call Man

For Sale: Toyota GL 82

Price: RM 5 700Reg. year: 1982
Mileage: 0 - 4 999Make: Toyota
Model: KE70Transmission: Manual
Engine Capacity: 1500 cc
Accessories: Sport rims

RIM 15' 2 PIS....



URGENT, CALL JA 019.94.979.56


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Petronas Syntium Team wins 2010 Super Taikyu title

The Petronas Syntium Team is the undisputed team to beat in Japan’s Super Taikyu Endurance Series, and the recently held Round 6 of the 2010 season at Sendai Highland Raceway underlined that fact. Celebrating the team’s sixth win in a row was the trio of Masataka Yanagida, Nobuteru Taniguchi and rookie Imran Zaharias Shaharom in the No.1 BMW Z4M Coupe. Winning at the mountain circuit also meant that they wrapped up the 2010 overall title with one race to spare.
For extra joy, PST’s No.28 car driven by Tatsuya Kataoka, Fariqe Hairuman and Melvin Moh finished second at Sendai. With their six successive podium finishes, the No.28 Z4M Coupe is second in the championship standings. Since becoming the first Malaysian team to win a major endurance series title in 2008, this is PST’s third consecutive Super Taikyu title and third 1-2 championship finish in the Japanese series.

“This is yet another incredible weekend! I do not have the right words to describe the incredible emotions I am experiencing! To reach this point with six straight race wins is fantastic! All I can say is that I am really happy as everything went according to plan, the car felt really good and we could push for another win! My thanks to my senior teammates Yanagida and Taniguchi who have taught me so much over the course of the past two years! Although we already won the championship here at Sendai, I will give it my all for the final round at Motegi,” said an elated Imran Shaharom.
“It is a momentous occasion for the Petronas Syntium Team. I am extremely proud of what the team, drivers, mechanics and engineers have managed to achieve. On top of this, since 2009, our driver line-up has included the young drivers from Petronas’ driver development programme. This year, our development drivers Melvin and Imran have done a tremendous job, performing well beyond expectations and contributing towards taking the title again,” said PST Team Principal David Wong.

click source:
more news at

Monday, October 25, 2010

Saga Facelift October 2010 Spyshots from

TeRiMa KaSiH BrO.BaZLi :)

click to enlarge image

Spyshot above shown some minor change done by Proton,

New changes UPDATE, info by campromania

-new lamp 4 system (like accord)
-new hood
-new bumper
-front fog lamp
-new rim
-new fender
-new side protection molding
-side mirror with LED turn signal
-new rear combination light LED
-2 new exterior color
-new rear spoiler
-new rear reflector
-muffler cutter
-new rear bumper
-passenger airbag
-audio with mp3, usb & aux input
-new seat fabric
-new steering audio control
-front & rear power window
that all change in saga face lift YES there is passenger airbag.

more news and discussion, please visit paultan also funtastickodesign

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I want this in Malaysia

Alert! Alert! Alert! Please bring this to Malaysia special for  Initial D Lunatics ;)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bukit Putus Ballsout Drift: Updated!!! Now confirm this 30th

HOT News!!!

Just found out from Facebook pages the Ballsout drift is now Confirm.

click to enlarge image

The wall statement as below:
Bukit Putus BallsOut, Saturday 30th October is ON.
Payment Session will be held on Monday 25th Oct 2010 at SUNWAY FOOD COURT (workshops area, near Sunway College) 

BUKIT PUTUS BALLSOUT DRIFT featuring Tengku Djan Ley!
*ride with Tengku Djan!! 6 places available, event details below:

**UPDATE-2** BallsOut Drift is postponed to 30 Oct 2010. Sorry for the inconvinience everybody.
**UPDATE-1** BallsOut Drift will be run together with BallsOut Touge, this time with TIMING! Same price at RM 120, details please check BallsOut page.

Date: 30th October 2010
Time: 9.30am till 3.00pm
Venue: Bukit Putus, Senawang
Organiser: Ignition.My
Entry Fees:
- RM 120 (SG friends $ 55)
- Parking RM 5
- Spectators RM 5 (special spectator areas now with Canopy, lorry shuttle provided, no walking on the Course)

With a combined viewership of over 30,000 views, the video of Tengku Djan and Tan Tat Wei’s visit to Bukit Putus back in April 2010 is now Legendary.

And it is now time for YOU to be part of the Legend too!

First ever, legally closed hill course for motorsports and driving enthusiasts to enjoy! 4km stretch, both uphill and downhill runs on the ‘Touge’ section
- Full safety provided with marshals, medical, and tow-truck on standby
- Helmet, shoes, and gloves strictly required
- Limited entry of around 50 cars only, so be sure to Register quickly!

Send an email to or to register ( ) with the following info:

It’s a first-pay-first-serve basis.

GPS Coordinates of the Tenggolok Rest Area (Registration & Admin area)
N 02″ 43.650′ E 102″ 03.570′

We have made improvements for this round, including more canopies, drink and food stalls, and better Spectator shuttle transport. Shuttle makes trips every 30 minutes, so be sure to be there early! Drinks also available at Spectator areas.
Merchandise on sale includes Bukit Putus stickers and T-Shirts (RM35 each), as well as Tengku Djan t-shirts.

Limited to only 6 places, get a ride through the course with one of the top Drifters in the world, our very own Tengku Djan Ley aka Prince of Drift!
- Price is RM 200, limited to 1 person per run, strictly first-pay-first-serve basis!
- Indemnity required, no medical conditions
- Register your details by sending an SMS to Adian 0126881200 asap!!!

Please register your details for Media Pass, email to and


Harga Rasmi Proton Inspira

click for larger image

click source: funtastickodesign

More info and other Proton models, please call 013.77.860.77 for booking. TQ

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 announcement: A Hint of a New Proton Models?


Supply of Parts to PROTON for a New Proton Model

Click pic for large views.

Ingress To Supply RM57.5 Million Worth Of Parts For New Proton Model

"KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 12 (Bernama) -- Ingress Corporation Bhd expects a revenue of RM57.5 million from projects to supply parts for a new model for Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd (Proton).

Ingress said it had received a letter of intent from Proton to supply roof drip mouldings through Ingress' wholly-owned subsidiary Ingress Engineering Sdn Bhd (IESB) and door sash through Ingress' 90 per cent-owned subsidiary Ingress Precision Sdn Bhd (IPSB).

Supply for the mouldings project will begin by the fourth quarter of financial year ending Jan 31, 2012, for a duration of five years, it said in a statement Tuesday.

The project is expected to generate a total revenue of RM7.5 million for IESB while its total investment for the project is estimated to be RM0.2 million in tooling, Ingress said.

The supply of door sash is expected to be at the end of financial year ending Jan 31, 2012, with a project duration of five years.

The project is forecast to generate a total revenue of about RM50 million for IPSB while the total investment in tooling and equipment is expected to cost RM16 million, Ingress said."

--click source BERNAMA (BI), (BM)


The history of Ingress Corporation Berhad began in May 1991 when the company Ingress Engineering Sdn Bhd was incorporated in Malaysia to manufacture automotive components for the growing number of carmakers in Malaysia and the ASEAN region. Over time, the company has expanded from merely producing simple parts to creating the complete range of components through sheer dedication and a relentless commitment to excellence.

The state-of-the-art technology that we utilise in roll-forming, joining, bending and stamping has enabled us to produce the complete range of components from co-extruded mouldings and door sash to the complete door systems. It has also equipped us with the capability to offer innovative engineering solutions and expertise for the region's automotive companies. Today, Ingress is proud to be known as one of the region's leading automotive component manufacturers with a difference.

Along the way, Ingress has harnessed the expertise to combine innovative processes, integrated manufacturing capabilities and simultaneous engineering with our high precision engineering capabilities. This distinguishing factor has primed the INGRESS brand for a wider reach beyond the shores of Malaysia.

The Company's vision is "To create a business organisation that combines a high-trust culture with entrepreneurial and professional attributes to enable Ingress to develop meaningful partnerships, both within the organisation and beyond".

Today, the corporate vision demonstrates the desired results as Ingress enjoys a reputable presence in Thailand and also Indonesia.

Aside from our core business of producing automotive components, Ingress also provides expertise and experience in the power engineering and railway sector where our involvement transcends to both the public and private sectors in Malaysia. The Group is also involved in offering industrial automation and automatic tank cleaning services to several industries including the oil and gas sector.

Upcoming New proton Models, what said?
"While the news on Proton’s new Proton Inspira model is still hot off the press, Proton is already busy preparing the final stages of its next generation Proton Persona, referred to so far by the Proton management as the “Persona R”. R in this case stands for Replacement.
We may be looking at the Persona R being launched somewhere in early to mid 2012 based on a filing by Proton parts supplier Ingress Corporation Berhad to Bursa Malaysia. Ingress reported that it received a Letter of Intents from Proton for the supply of two parts for a new project – Roof Drip Mouldings and Door Sash. Supply for both parts are for 5 years and are supposed to commence in Q4 of it’s financial year ending 31st January 2012, which means somewhere from November 2011 to January 2012.
There are a lot of exciting things coming up from Proton and their engineering resources must be quite stretched – the Persona R, the Campro Turbo engine (along with the Exora Turbo to debut next year), a revision to the normally aspirated Campro engines, matching their engines with new family of transmissions (Punch for CVT automatic and Getrag for manual), the Saga facelift, and preparing to put the Proton EMAS into production."
click source:

So readers, it's too exciting hearing the news on the net. As motorsport and car enthusiast my prediction for next year models after the Inspira is Saga Facelift, following the  Exora Turbo along with Neo Turbo then Persona R which i predict is the same model for Inspira Phase 2. That's all and Salam Motoring.

Monday, October 18, 2010

For Sale: Classic Mercedes Benz 220S

Price: On negotiationReg. year: 2005
Mileage: 150 000 - 159 999Make: Mercedes Benz
Model: C200Transmission: Both
Engine Capacity: 2400 cc
Accessories: -

     Beautiful car     Good running engine     Can do long distance travel
     No rusty, no need new paint job.
     Please contact:

     Nasir :0199337273

     click source:

For Sale: Mazda 808 with 12A Rotary Engine

Price: RM 8 800Reg. year: 1980 or older
Mileage: 25 000 - 29 999Make: Mazda
Model: RX-3Transmission: Manual
Engine Capacity: 1200 cc
Accessories: -

Mazda 808 Rotary Enjin 12A
6 pot engine
good condition engine and powerful
2piece rim 15 inch
bucket seat
Lsd gear box

plz call for more info
0173133164 Balan

loc: kg jawa klang
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Hi readers, a rare kinda looks is it;) i try to introducing u more details on this Mazda 808 and what is Rotary 12A.
Mazda 808
It was sold as the Mazda 808 in some export markets such as New Zealand and Australia and Asia Pacific markets and Mazda 818 in many others (presumably due to the usage of numbers with a middle zero by Peugeot for its automotive models). In Japan this model is also known as the Mazda Grand Familia and its top line model is a 2-door coupé with twin round headlamp and a rotary powered engine known as the RX-3.

This generation was available in coupé, sedan, and station wagon forms. Engines were inline 4 cylinders and included a 1,272 cc, a 1,490 cc, and a 1,586 cc option.

  • 1973-1976 - 987 cc I4, 50 hp (37 kW)/56 ft·lbf (77 N·m)
  • 1970-1973 - 1.3 L (1272 cc) TC I4, 2 barrel, 69 hp (51 kW)/67 ft·lbf (92 N·m)
  • 1973-1976 - 1.6 L (1,586 cc) I4, 80 hp (60 kW)/91 ft·lbf (124 N·m)


Mazda 808 was sold in the US in 1972 and 1973, then updated and sold through 1977. This name was given only to the 1.6 L version of the Grand Familia.

The 808 cost $2997, which was some $200 above the 
Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla. The car came with a "pleasant" 4-speed manual or 3-speed automatic transmission.
  • 1972-1977 - 1.6 L (1,590 cc) 1600 I41-barrel, 70 hp (52 kW)/82 ft·lbf (111 N·m)

and let me share with u Rotary 12A about,


The Mazda Wankel engines (a type of rotary combustion engine) are family of car engines derived from experiments in the early 1960s by Felix Wankel, a German engineer. Over the years, displacement has been increased and turbocharging has been added.

Wankel engines can be classified by their geometric size in terms of radius (rotor center to tip distance, also the median stator radius) and depth (rotor thickness), and offset (crank throw, eccentricity, also 1/4 the difference between stator's major and minor axes). These metrics function similarly to the bore and strokemeasurements of a piston engine. Displacement is 3√3radius·offset·depth, multiplied with the number of rotors (note that this only counts a single face of each rotor as the entire rotor's displacement). Nearly all Mazda production Wankel engines share a single rotor radius, 105 mm (4.1 in), with a 15 mm (0.6 in)crankshaft offset. The only engine to diverge from this formula was the rare 13A, which used a 120 mm (4.7 in) rotor radius and 17.5 mm (0.7 in) crankshaft offset.
Mazda rotary engines have a reputation for being relatively small and powerful at the expense of poor fuel efficiency. They are starting to become popular with kit car builders, hot rodders and in light aircraft because of their light weight, compact size, and tuning potential stemming from their inherently high power to weight ratio[citation needed].
In auto racing, the displacement of a Wankel engine is usually doubled for classing purposes. For calculating taxes in Japan, the displacement of Wankel engines is defined as the equivalent of 1.5 times the nominal displacement, so the 1300 cc 13B engines are taxed as 1950 cc.
Although Wankel rotary engines appear to produce more power per displacement than conventional 4-stroke piston engines, this is actually due to a widely ignored error in the representation of the displacement of piston engines. A 2-stroke piston-based engine fires each piston once per crankshaft rotation, in comparison to a 4-stroke that requires 2 full rotations to fire each piston. This means that a 2-stroke engine should have double the measured displacement of an equally sized 4-stroke engine. When the automotive industry made the leap from 2-stroke, to 4-stroke engines, the advertised displacement remained unchanged, when they should have halved the displacement of the newer 4-stroke engines. When Wankel engines became commonplace in motor sport events, this created the problem of accurate representation of each engine's displacement, for the benefit of competition. Rather than force the majority of participants (driving piston engine cars) to half their quoted displacement (likely resulting in confusion), most racing organizations simply decided to double the quoted displacement of Wankel engines. [1]


The 12A is an "elongated" version of the 10A — the rotor radius was the same, but the depth was increased by 10 mm (0.4 in) to 70 mm (2.8 in). Each of its two rotors displaced 573 cc for a total of 1146 cc. The 12A series was produced for 15 years, from May 1970 through 1985. In 1974, a 12A became the first engine built outside of western Europe or the U.S to finish the 24 hours of Le Mans.

In 1974, a new process was used to harden the rotor housing. The Sheet-metal Insert Process (SIP) used a sheet of steel much like a conventional piston engine cylinder liner with a chrome plated surface. The side housing coating was also changed to eliminate the troublesome sprayed metal. The new "REST" process created such a strong housing, the old carbon seals could be abandoned in favor of conventional cast iron.
Early 12A engines also feature a thermal reactor, similar to the 0866 10A, and some use an exhaust port insert to reduce exhaust noise. A lean-burnversion was introduced in 1979 (in Japan) and 1980 (in America) which substituted a more-conventional catalytic converter for this "afterburner". A major modification of the 12A architecture was the 6PI which featured variable induction ports.
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and so on, what u waiting for. If u desire to have a rare car. This also a perfect choice, plus a good start for a beginner drifter. Ok, that's all. Salam Motoring.

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