Friday, June 12, 2020

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RidinStylin kini kembali di wixsite.comi, nantikan berita2 hangat industri permotoran negara setiap hari. Kami bangkit walau dunia dilanda pandemik COVID-19 bersama rakyat-rakyat yang lain. Tanah air kita Malaysia berada ditahap yang selamat berbanding negara-negara lain walaupun kita masih belum berjaya menghapuskannya secara total. Namun, admin seru kepada semua rakyat Malaysia bahawa kita mesti menang. Amalkan SOP yang ditetapkan oleh pihak kerajaan. Jaga penjarakan sosial kita. Kita Jaga Kita. Nantikan berita kami di


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sambutan Maulidur Rasul SAW 1433H

Senarai Sambutan Maulidur Rasul صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

Senarai Sambutan Maulidur Rasul صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم 

1. Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012 - Masjid al-Mukhlisin, Alam Damai, Cheras,bersama Habib Mahdi bin Abu Bakar al-Haamid dan Habib Najmuddin bin Osman al-Khered. Mula - Maghrib
2. Rabu, 1 Februari 2012 
3. Jum'at, 3 Februari 2012 -  
4.  Sabtu, 4 Februari 2012
  • Program dan Seminar Maulidurrasul bersama Syeikh Salim Alwan al-Husaini, Dato' Hj. Tamyes, Mufti Selangor Darul Ehsan, Ustaz Zamihan dan Ustaz Rasyiq Alwi. Masa: 9.00 pagi - 5.00 petang.
5. Ahad, 5 Februari 2012 - Baitul Qurro wal Fuqaha' (Pondok Ustaz Zul Melaka), Paya Sum, Sungai Udang, Melaka bersama al-Habib Sholeh bin Muhammad al-Jufri. Bermula: 7.30 petang. 
6. Selasa, 7 Februari 2012 - Surau Impian Gemilang, Saujana Impian, Kajang bersama Ustaz Azahar Hasyim dan jemaah Rahmatan lil 'Alamin. Mula: 7.00 petang 

7. Jum'at, 10 Februari 2012 hingga Ahad 12 Februari 2012 - Masjid Bandar Baru Batang Kali bersama Ustaz Hadzri bin Hashim al-Bindany (diskusi dan ijazah kitab Habibullah) dan Syeikh Muhammad Nuruddin al-Banjari al-Makki. 
8. Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012 -
9. Ahad, 12 Februari 2012 - Masjid asy-Syakirin, KLCC, Talkshow Bertajuk " Andai Rasulullah S.A.W. Bersama Kita" bersama Habib 'Ali Zainal 'Abidin bin Abu Bakar al-Haamid. Mula 9.00 pagi - 1.00 tengahari.
10. Khamis, 16 Februari 2012 - Masjid Sayyidina 'Amru ibn al-Ash, Bandar Baru Sentul, KL bersama Majlis Ta'lim Rahmatan lil 'Alamin dan Ustaz Azahar Hasyim. Mula: Selepas sholat Maghrib. 
11. Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012 - Masjid Imam Ash-Shafie, Taman Maluri, KL.Mula: 6.00 petang - 9.30 malam. 
12. Sambutan Maulid di Kedah dari 8hb - 11hb Feb 2012. Bersama Habib Mahdi bin Abu Bakar al-Haamid, Habib Naqjamuddin bin Osman al-Khered dan sejumlah ulama Kedah.  
13. Khamis - Sabtu, 23 - 25Feb 2012 - Sambutan Maulidrrasul di Yayasan al-Jenderami.  
14. Isnin, 27 Februari - Selasa, 28 Februari 2012 - Majlis Mahabbah Rasulullah SAW & Silaturrahim Pondok Kali Ke-6 di Madrasah Darul Muhajirin, Bukit Jong, Kuala Terengganu bersama sejumlah ulama antaranya Dato Sayyid Umar al-Aidrus, Habib Sholeh bin Ahmad bin Salim al-Aidrus, Syeikh Rohimuddin Nawawi al-Bantani al-Azmatkhan, Dato Syeikh Fuad bin Kamaluddin al-Rembawi, Ustaz Zulkifli Ismail, Habib Agil bin 'Abdurrahman bin Yahya dan Syeikh 'Abdurrazzaq al-Mishri.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Rally DNA in Proton Cars

Pic shown above isWira 1.8 EXi DOHC

Proton made 2450 units LE and 50 units of RS between 1995 to mid 1997.
New car price during that time was around RM80K-85K (plus minus accessories)

The 'uniqueness' of LE was :-

1. Full set of factory fitted Recaro Seat (custom fabric by Proton), internal door panel (same fabric use as seat) plus Momo steering and gear knob.
2. Unique rear spoiler (we call it 'Tiang Gol' as in 'Goal Pillar' in Malay but this is an optional accessories)
3. The one and only Step 0 (un-rechip-able) MMC ECU custom for this car/engine, no speedcut
4. Running on Co2 adjuster instead of o2 sensor *(down side is not so environment friendly but in term of power its much more agreesive than those running on o2 sensor
5. Engine parts were majority from Mitsubishi.
6. Unique F5M222VRXE gearbox (best gear ratio to match the engine power output
7. 4 round disc brake with ABS control (sorry no ACD/AYC)
8. Projector type fog light.
9. 14" AAC rim made by BBS
10. Only come in Marjaco Black color

'symbol' of LE is twin tip exhaust, plus tiang gol.
Chasis is 'stiffer' compare to 1.3/1.5 and 1.6. Lower arm, obsorber all thicker but its compatible to 1.3/1.5 and 1.6
After Wira LE discontinued, the same spec was stil use in Putra till 1st batch of SGTi..than the re-launch Putra in year 2000 (4000 or 4500 units) already with Lousy engine spec (o2, least agreesive ECU), interior standard only....

SGTi after 2001 would running on Siemens

The 'uniqueness' of RS LE :

1. Strip down version of interior (same like 1.3 where no Recaro, Momo, plus even no power windows probably rear only don't have)
Reason was told that they wanted the be as light as possible.
2. Running on Rally spec re-program settings ECU (still same ECU as LE)
3. 14" ROH rim made in Australia (lighter i think)
4. Only come in White color

There were many cars that PERT had. Most were built by ralliart Australia and Malaysia. Not all had homo docs. They started using the Orion which uses a Fiore tc engine. Next came iswara with a 2L engine, then Wira 1.6L car but fitted with a DOHC engine. Later stages came another version with the wira body but with a 4wd tc engine. It was due to be call Sembilu but somehow approval was not given to make this car as a street car so means no homo. So then came MMC to the rescue,  Evolution 2 which was rebadge to a Proton. That driver was local legend Jimmy Low. The Evolution 3 came when PERT sponsored MMC in WRC. Flying sikh drove 1 of the cars apart from Tommi Mäkinen and Kenneth something.

Proton Saga Orion adapt Fiore tc Engine

Proton Iswara with 2L engine

Proton Wira 1.6L with DOHC engine

Somewhere in 1995, there was a 'special edition' of the wira with 2.5k units made for the homo docs to entry to rallying. One of the ex-mechanics who was with the team back then should be one of the car owners or maybe ex now. His name is Tajul who specialises in transmission and was the transmission specialist in the PERT crew mechanics.

Spesification of Iswara 2L engine which beat Evolution 3 :

2000CC DOHC 16 Valve Intercooler Turbo
Motec Engine Management system
FIA regulations restrict to 300 BHP
but PERT claim it was 337bhp/6800rpm
Permanent 4wd with center vicious coupling and F/R LSD
Single Plate AP racing clutch
6 Speed Sequential Gearbox
4 port AP racing calipers with cross drilled disc rotor
Body shell: Proton Iswara Converted to 4WD with Integral
multipoint roll cage and Heated laminated windscreen specially made by MSG.
80L bag type safety fuel tank.
Bilstien with Variable rate Springs and Liquid cooling system. Totally Fully Adjustable
6 Point Seat belt by Sabelt
Corbeau Race Seats
Rallymaster Trip Computer

source: Wiseautoclub, Forum.Cari

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Video : Proton Satria Neo S2000 terbakar di Rali Monte Carlo 2012

Agak menyedihkan apabila melihat pemandu PG Andersson dan jurupandu arahnya tidak dapat meneruskan saingan disebabkan Proton Satria Neo S2000 yang dipandu tiba-tiba terbakar di bahagian enjin dalam Rali Monte Carlo 2012. Anda boleh saksikan sendiri bagaimana kejadian tersebut berlaku melalui klip video di atas, kredit kepada YouTube.

sumber: Arenakereta

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Question & Answer about Campro CFE 1.6L engine

Gambar hiasan serta artikel adalah dari Funtastickodesign

"Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Proton melalui unit Powertrain & Media yang telah memenuhi permintaan saya supaya ia dapat dikongsikan & disampaikan kepada pembaca blog serta orang ramai, amnya. Ini merupakan inisiatif terbaru dari Funtasticko Design untuk memberi maklumat dengan lebih lanjut mengenai enjin terbaru dari Proton iaitu Campro CFE 1.6L. Saya telah mengajukan beberapa soalan kepada pihak Powertrain Proton & ini adalah soalan serta jawapan yang diberikan :
1.      Apakah sebenarnya yang dimaksudkan dengan CFE? Ceritakan secara ringkas.
CFE ialah ringkasan kepada Charged Fuel Efficiency. Secara ringkasnya, enjin CFE inimemberikan tenaga seperti sebuah enjin 2.0 liter ketika diperlukan tetapi memberikan pulangan penggunaan minyak yang baik di dalam keadaan pemanduan santai, seperti memandu di lebuhraya, ketika melahu atau ketika memandu di dalam kesesakan lalulintas.
 2.      Adakah CFE ini enjin baru sepenuhnya ataupun masih lagi berasaskan enjin Campro tetapi dengan beberapa pengubahsuaian?
Enjin 1.6 liter Campro CFE dibina berdasarkan enjin Campro tetapi dengan peratusan besar pembaharuan yang terdiri dari komponen unik kepada enjin CFE sahaja.
3.      Boleh ceritakan apa yang telah diubahsuai untuk enjin CFE ini? Ceritakan secara ringkas bahagian yang telah diubahsuai dan sebab-sebab pengubahsuaian.
Antara pengubahsuaian yang dilakukan ialah komponen-komponen utama seperti aci engkol, aci sesondol, rod penyambung, blok silinder dan kepala silinder enjin telah ditukar kepada rekabentuk baru.
4.      Bagaimana cara CFE berfungsi?
CFE sebenarnya berfungsi di atas dasar mampatan paksaan (forced induction). Ia menggunakan daya gas ekzos berkelajuan tinggi untuk memusingkan pemampat yang akan kemudian memaksa lebih banyak udara luar masuk ke dalam kebuk pembakaran.
Udara tambahan itu akan dibekalkan dengan bahan api yang secukupnya untuk menjana lebih banyak tenaga. Hasilnya,  enjin  1.6 liter Campro CFE mampu memberikan kuasa kuda seperti sebuah enjin 2.0 liter tanpa sistem mampatan paksaan.
Kelebihan enjin 1.6 liter Campro CFE ini ialah sistem pemampat hanya beroperasi selepas 2,000 RPM. Bila enjin bergerak di bawah paras tersebut, penggunaan bahan bakar akan menjadi lebih rendah dari enjin 2.0 liter.
5.      Apa perbezaan antara Low Pressure Turbo (lazimnya dikenali sebagai Low Inertia Turbo) dan High Pressure Turbo (atau High Inertia Turbo)?
Low Pressure Turbo atau LPT menggunakan turbin yang kecil dan mampu beroperasi dengan halaju gas ekzos yang rendah (RPM enjin rendah). Oleh kerana itu, ia menghasilkan pemampatan (boost) yang rendah.
High Pressure Turbo pula memerlukan halaju gas ekzos yang lebih tinggi kerana turbin yang lebih besar. Hasilnya, mampatan yang lebih tinggi.
Enjin CFE menggunakan LPT kerana fokus lebih kepada daya kilas yang tinggi pada RPM yang rendah (low end torque). Ini akan membantu dari segi pecutan yang lebih mantap dan penggunaan minyak yang lebih rendah.
 6.      Kenapa Proton memilih unit turbin dari Borg Warner? Apakah kelebihannya?
Pilihan dilakukan berdasarkan rekacipta, kualiti dan harga yang berpatutan.
7.      Apakah ada tambahan CVVT atau VVT pada CFE? Jika ada, apakah fungsinya?
Enjin 1.6 liter Campro CFE menggunakan teknologi injap VVT untuk mengoptimakan laluan udara segar ke dalam enjin pada RPM rendah dan tinggi. VVT juga membantu mengurangkan penggunaan minyak dan mengurangkan pencemaran udara kerana pembakaran adalah lebih lengkap.
8.      Bagaimana untuk mendapatkan kuasa maksimum CFE dan cara untuk mendapatkan penjimatan minyak yang optimum semasa memandu?
Cara terbaik ialah mengekalkan kelajuan putaran enjin di bawah paras 2,000 RPM agar sistem mampatan paksaan tidak beroperasi.
Namun dalam keadaan di mana tenaga diperlukan, pendikit perlu ditekan rapat ke lantai supaya sistem transmisi CVT boleh menurunkan nisbahnya agar enjin beroperasi pada 5,500 RPM untuk kuasa maksimum.
9.      Adakan CFE mempunyai “turbo lag” sepertimana enjin-enjin turbo yang lain dan bagaimana Proton mengatasinya jika ada?
Penggunaan LPT membantu enjin 1.6 liter Campro CFE ini untuk beroperasi selancar enjin N/A (tanpa sistem mampatan paksaan).
10. Apakah kelebihan CFE berbanding dengan enjin VVTI, VTEC, MIVEC, DVVT dan turbo yang lain? Ini akan membantu memperbetulkan “mindset” rakyat Malaysia yang selama ini terlalu teruja dengan teknolgi Jepun ini.
Sistem VVTI, VTEC, MIVEC dan DVVT adalah sistem-sistem teknlogi injap yang membantu pernafasan enjin pada RPM rendah atau tinggi. Enjin 1.6 liter Campro CFE menggabungkan teknologi injap VVT dan sistem mampatan paksaan untuk prestasi enjin yang baik pada sebarang kelajuan enjin.
11. Adakah kos penyelenggaraan CFE tinggi jika berlaku sebarang kerosakan?
Seperti enjin lain, enjin 1.6 liter Campro CFE memerlukan penyelenggaraan seperti yang disarankan di dalam Buku Panduan Pemilik (Owner’s Manual) dan Buku Servis Berkala (Periodic Maintenance Book). Dengan penjagaan rapi, enjin CFE ini tidak akan mendatangkan sebarang masalah dan kos penyelenggaran direka agar tidak begitu berbeza dengan enjin Campro biasa.
12. Apakah perancangan unit powertrain Proton pada masa depan? Adakah akan ada teknologi baru akan diperkenalkan?
PROTON mempunyai perancangan untuk memperkenalkan teknologi terbaru dan akan mengumumkannya bila tiba masa yang sesuai.
13. Berikan tips/petua untuk penjagaan enjin CFE supaya sentiasa dalam keadaan terbaik.
Seperti yang dinyatakan di dalam jawapan kepada soalan No. 11, pengguna disarankan mengikut jadual penyelenggaraan berkala yang ditetapkan.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Persona facelift with VW face spotted

A Persona facelift with VW face??? Haha.. no it's not...
Read here:

Roman Jagatić is the latest addition to our ever-growing list of readers-turned-into spy photographers. Roman stumbled upon this strange looking Volkswagen-Skoda hybrid prototype parked at a gas station in Munich, Germany.The test car appears to combine a modified body of a Skoda Octavia with a Volkswagen front end.
While we do not have a definite answer to what it may be, possible scenarios include a test car for a new Skoda Octavia and a prototype for a Volkswagen-badged model for select markets outside Europe.
It could also be a test mule for the Volkswagen Group’s new MQB platform, or Modularer Querbaukasten, which roughly translates as modular transverse-engine kit. The MQB will form the base for an array of future models ranging in size from the VW Up! mini and the next Seat Ibiza supermini to the upcoming Audi A3 Sedan and the TT replacement.
Take a look at the photos below and tell us what you think in the comments section.

'Vielen Dank' to Roman J. for the scoop pics!

source : carscoop

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Proton and Petronas offer specially-formulated ATF for Proton cars

Owners of Proton vehicles sporting automatic transmissions can now have optimum performance for their torque-converter equipped gearbox with the specially-formulated ATF-XP3 Automatic Transmission Fluid that was jointly developed by Proton and Petronas for use in Proton vehicles.

Formulated from refined high viscosity index unconventional base oils and special additives, the ATF-XP3 offers high and low temperature protection under all driving conditions while contributing towards extending the the lifespan of the transmission.

Having been developed specifically, the ATF-XP3 matches Proton's PES-1133 standard and is recommended for use in automatic transmissions that Dexron fluid is unsuitable for. Furthermore, it can be used on transmissions that require ATF-9 fluid.

“This exercise is part of our efforts to continuously improve customer satisfaction, and, we also see this collaboration as means to elevate Malaysian brands. In the future, customers can also look forward to more products to come from this collaboration, including a jointly-developed engine oil,” said Mohamad Shukor Ibrahim, Proton Edar Chief Executive Officer, in reference to the collaboration agreement penned between the two giants in 2010.

The ATF-XP3 is suitable to be used in the following Proton models that are fitted with automatic transmissions, Saga (1985-2007); New Saga (BLM); Iswara; Wira and Satria (1993-2008); Waja (2000, Campro and CPS); Gen2 (Campro and CPS); Satria Neo (Campro and CPS); Persona and Persona Elegance; and Exora (CPS). It is however not recommended for the Perdana, Waja 1.8 and Savvy as well as the Inspira due to different transmission technology requirements.

ATF-XP3 is now available nationwide and will be the recommended transmission fluid at all authorized Proton service centers from now onwards. A one-liter bottle will retail for RM29.96 in Peninsular Malaysia while our East countrymen will get it at RM30.46.

For further information on ATF-XP3 or your Proton car’s automatic transmission, consult the nearest authorized Proton service centre and Proton authorized parts stockist or call Proton at 1-300-880-888.

source: ||| zerotohundred |||

Shanghai: Satria Neo is now Youngman Artiga (Concept) with Supercharger

Satria Neo reveal as Artiga Concept

visit gallery for more pic >>> Paultan

source: ||| paultan ||| funtastickodesign |||

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Iran Cars: Dena`s with specifications released

Iranian Automaker Khodro Unveils a New Car

Ministry of Industry and Mines unveiled New advanced sedan named Dena
Persiankhodro: Ministry of Industry and Mines, Ali Akbar Mehrabian unveiled today a new developed model of Irankhodro named in Dena with Iranian platform that passes the latest Europe safety and environmental standards priced between 18000 and $25000.

The model hits market aiming presentation of Irankhodro`s capabilities in design and production, he added.
Najmeddin in one of the last days of previous year in a press conference had said that a new model will be debut in first month of next Iranian year (beginning from 20th march).
new model has targeted competitive advantages in domestic and foreign markets for the company and benefit from a new style with minimum investment.

Regarding to increase more and more of cars imported to the country and also price rises of oil he reiterated that Dena can compete in domestic market thanks of safety standards of pedestrian and front crashes.
Mass production of the model will be in 2012 because of mold works, according to Irankhodro`s speech.
All processes of Dena designs have progressed by domestic experts without doing consult with foreign companies. Samand, first national brand was designed in lieu of technical assists from some European carmakers that had been rumored as German.
Dena was told being completely domestic designed under NX7 project.

According to Irankhodro`s CEO, NX7 includes LX model with EF7 engine fueled both on oil and gas separately and ELX with EF7 turbocharged all with manual transmission system.
According to media, the new IKCO`s sedan was priced between 18000 and $25000.
The plan for production of these models is as 35000 in first year of hitting market, 80000 in 2013 and 100,000 from 3rd year of launching.
15000 sets of Dena will be exported annually.
Dena is a name of one of the tallest peaks located in south-west of Iran in Kohgeiluie va Buyerahmad province.

VEHICLE TYPE: front-engine, 5-passenger, 4-door sedan
PRICE: $14,000 (base price: $14,000 for LX model and $18,000 for ELX)
ENGINE TYPE: Gas-based EF7, Oil-based EF7 and EFP
TRANSMISSION: automatic/manual
ACCELERATION: Zero to 60 mph: 11.6 sec
FUEL ECONOMY: EPA average: 34.4 mpg

source : funtastickodesignpersiankhodro

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Phylosophy : Pick of a day

The more I hurt, the less I feel. The more I learn, the less I know. The more I solve, the less I work. Out of touch, out of love, out of soul & out of song.

By Diana Danielle, Malaysian Artist

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